A Simple Trick for Dealing with Overlapping Data

Last week, we looked at simple data analysis techniques to test for persistence. But we only looked at a feature that is measured over a single day – the absolute range. Such a feature makes it easy to test persistence because you don’t have the problem of overlapping data. Each data point is entirely self-contained …

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Navigating Tradeoffs with Convex Optimisation

Navigating Tradeoffs with Convex Optimisation This is the final article in our recent stat arb series. The previous articles are linked below: A short take on stat arb trading in the real world A general approach for exploiting stat arb alphas Ideas for crypto stat arb features Quantifying and combining crypto alphas A simple and …

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Building Intuition for Trading with Convex Optimisation with CVXR

This article continues our recent stat arb series. The previous articles are linked below: A short take on stat arb trading in the real world A general approach for exploiting stat arb alphas Ideas for crypto stat arb features Quantifying and combining crypto alphas A simple and effective way to manage turnover and not get …

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How to Model Features as Expected Returns

Modeling features as expected returns can be a useful way to develop trading strategies, but it requires some care. The main advantage is that it directly aligns with the objective of predicting and capitalising on future returns. This can make optimisation and implementation more intuitive. It also facilitates direct comparison between features and provides a …

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A Simple, Effective Way to Manage Turnover and Not Get Killed by Costs

Every time we trade, we incur a cost. We pay a commission to the exchange or broker, we cross spreads, and we might even have market impact to contend with. A common issue in quant trading is to find an edge, only to discover that if you executed it naively, you’d get killed with costs. …

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Quantifying and Combining Crypto Alphas

In this article, I’ll take some crypto stat arb features from our recent brainstorming article and show you how you might quantify their strength and decay characteristics and then combine them into a trading signal. This article continues our recent articles on stat arb: A short take on stat arb trading in the real world …

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Exponentially weighted covariance in an Equal Risk Contribution portfolio optimisation problem

The Equal Risk Contribution (ERC) portfolio seeks to maximally diversify portfolio risk by equalising the risk contribution of each component. The intuition is as follows: Imagine we have a 3-asset portfolio Assets 1 and 2 are perfectly correlated (correlation of 1.0) Asset 3 is uncorrelated with the other two (correlation of 0.0) Let’s say we …

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An Exponentially Weighted Covariance Matrix in R

Exponential weighting schemes can help navigate the trade-off between responsiveness and stability of the inherently noisy estimates we make from market data. We previously saw examples of calculating the exponentially weighted moving average of a vector, and estimating the correlation between SPY and TLT using an exponential weighting scheme [link]. In this article, we’ll implement …

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