Pricing a Sports Bet like an Option

This post assumes basic knowledge of Options and Mathematical Expectation. Most of the features that you observe about options are simply due to the fact that they are expiring bets. And the features we observe in option pricing are observed in any other expiring bet. The complicated maths and terminology that surround options can make it …

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Portfolio Hedging with Put Options

Read the previous parts of this 101 series on options: There are 2 good reasons to buy put options: Because you think they are cheap Because you want downside protection. You want to use the skewed payoff profile to protect a portfolio against large downside moves without capping your upside too much. The first requires …

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Long Options Payoff Profiles

In this article, we explore the payoff to holding long options positions. Read the previous parts of this 101 series on options: Payoff Profile of a Long Call So far, we’ve plotted the value of an option at expiration. This is useful (as we’ll see later), but it doesn’t represent our profit and loss from …

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The Value of an Option at Expiration

Read the previous parts of this 101 series on options: Options have value because the future is uncertain. One thing that is known and always unchanging, however, is the value of a given option contract at expiry. This is the most fundamental thing about an option. Value of a Call Option at Expiration A call …

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Options 101: Understanding the Basics of Financial Options

In the previous article, we discussed what makes an option valuable. At its core, an option is about choice—the choice to buy or sell an asset at a specific price within a set timeframe. In this article, we’ll explore exactly what this means. An option gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to …

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On Having an Edge

The first thing you need as a trader is a clear edge. What do I mean by “edge?” Edge comes from a market inefficiency that means you can buy cheap and sell rich on average over the long run. Said differently, edge is positive expected value. Expected value is the return you expect to realise …

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