Steal ideas, not implementations

Imagine you’re a relatively small, independent trader trying to turn trading from a hobby into a serious business. If that’s you, then there are a few concepts that will help you pick the right trades to get after. This is important because picking the right trades is most of the game. First, the Market Gods …

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What P&L Swings Can I Expect as a Trader?

Many beginner traders don’t realize how variable the p&l of a high-performing trading strategy really is. Here’s an example… I simulated ten different 5 year GBM processes with expected annual returns of  20% and annualized volatility of 10%. (If you speak Sharpe Ratios, I’m simulating a strategy within known Sharpe 2 characteristics.) I plotted the …

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How do I know if I have an edge?

I’ve been helping a family friend with his trading. I’ve given him a simple systematic strategy to trade by hand. First, we set expectations We can plot the distribution of historic trade returns from past trading or a backtest as a histogram.   This is useful because it gives us a hint as to what …

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Tesla’s inclusion in the S&P 500 – Is there a trade?

The S&P index committee recently announced that Tesla, already one of the biggest stocks listed in the country, would be included in the S&P 500. Here’s the press release: Due to TSLA’s size, it was widely expected to have entered the S&P 500 index much earlier – but S&P has some discretionary criteria it applies …

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Where does FX sit in a Systematic Trading Portfolio?

You rarely meet a rich forex trader. I’ve met plenty of rich traders who trade quant factors or stat arb. Plenty of market makers, futures spreaders and volatility traders that do nicely. But I don’t think I’ve ever met a rich forex trader. Jeez man – what a downer! Don’t run away, we’re gonna turn …

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Some Things Just Go Up (If You Wait Long Enough)

  Here’s a chart of long-term asset performance…. The blue line shows returns from US stocks from 1900 to today. That’s a 48,000x increase in nominal value. The yellow line shows the returns from US bonds from 1900 to today. That’s a 300x increase in nominal value. If you look at this in isolation things …

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