Working with Tidy Financial Data in tidyr

Holding data in a tidy format works wonders for one’s productivity.

Here we will explore the tidyr package, which is all about creating tidy data.

In particular, let’s develop an understanding of the tidyr::pivot_longer and tidyr::pivot_wider functions for switching between different formats of tidy data.

In this video, you’ll learn:

  • What tidy data looks like
  • Why it’s a sensible approach
  • The difference between long and wide tidy data
  • How to efficiently switch between the two format
  • When and why you’d use each of the two formats


What’s tidy data?

Tidy data is data where:

  • Every column is variable.
  • Every row is an observation.
  • Every cell is a single value.

Why do we care?

It turns out there are huge benefits to thinking about the “shape” of your data and the best way to structure and manipulate it for your problem.

Tidy data is a standard way of shaping data that facilitates analysis. In particular, tidy data works very well with the tidyverse tools. Which means less time spent transforming and cleaning data and more time spent solving problems. In short, structuring data to facilitate analysis is an enormous productivity hack.

Thinking in these terms has had a MASSIVE impact on the effectiveness and speed of our research. We’re going to cover this in some detail in the Armageddon bootcamp, along with some specific patterns for doing trading analysis.

Wide vs Long Data

Let’s take a look at some long-format data. This code loads a long dataframe of daily returns for various indexes and prints the observations from the beginning of March 2020:

if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, here, knitr, kableExtra)
load(here('data', 'indexreturns.RData'))

dailyindex_df <- dailyindex_df %>%
  filter(date >= '2020-03-01') 

dailyindex_df %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = FALSE, position = 'center') %>%
  scroll_box(width = '800px', height = '300px')
date ticker returns
2020-03-02 EQ_US 0.0460048
2020-03-02 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0111621
2020-03-02 EQ_EMER 0.0114468
2020-03-02 TN_US -0.0008475
2020-03-02 TB_US -0.0073579
2020-03-02 BOND_EMER 0.0051502
2020-03-02 GOLD 0.0179376
2020-03-03 EQ_US -0.0280740
2020-03-03 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0097820
2020-03-03 EQ_EMER 0.0106093
2020-03-03 TN_US 0.0093299
2020-03-03 TB_US 0.0154987
2020-03-03 BOND_EMER 0.0093937
2020-03-03 GOLD 0.0311450
2020-03-04 EQ_US 0.0422302
2020-03-04 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0062777
2020-03-04 EQ_EMER 0.0097196
2020-03-04 TN_US -0.0016807
2020-03-04 TB_US -0.0099536
2020-03-04 BOND_EMER 0.0059222
2020-03-04 GOLD -0.0008743
2020-03-05 EQ_US -0.0336854
2020-03-05 EQ_NONUS_DEV -0.0014521
2020-03-05 EQ_EMER 0.0014743
2020-03-05 TN_US 0.0050505
2020-03-05 TB_US 0.0227882
2020-03-05 BOND_EMER -0.0067283
2020-03-05 GOLD 0.0151949
2020-03-06 EQ_US -0.0170369
2020-03-06 EQ_NONUS_DEV -0.0232132
2020-03-06 EQ_EMER -0.0262282
2020-03-06 TN_US 0.0041876
2020-03-06 TB_US 0.0498034
2020-03-06 BOND_EMER -0.0076207
2020-03-06 GOLD 0.0026644
2020-03-09 EQ_US -0.0761665
2020-03-09 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-03-09 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-09 TN_US 0.0041701
2020-03-09 TB_US 0.0262172
2020-03-09 BOND_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-09 GOLD 0.0018757
2020-03-10 EQ_US 0.0494037
2020-03-10 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-03-10 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-10 TN_US -0.0091362
2020-03-10 TB_US -0.0486618
2020-03-10 BOND_EMER -0.0477816
2020-03-10 GOLD -0.0091271
2020-03-11 EQ_US -0.0487713
2020-03-11 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-03-11 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-11 TN_US -0.0025147
2020-03-11 TB_US -0.0108696
2020-03-11 BOND_EMER -0.0206093
2020-03-11 GOLD -0.0107857
2020-03-12 EQ_US -0.0949084
2020-03-12 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-03-12 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-12 TN_US 0.0008403
2020-03-12 TB_US -0.0155139
2020-03-12 BOND_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-12 GOLD -0.0317549
2020-03-13 EQ_US 0.0931900
2020-03-13 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-03-13 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-13 TN_US -0.0058774
2020-03-13 TB_US -0.0216678
2020-03-13 BOND_EMER -0.0439158
2020-03-13 GOLD -0.0462765
2020-03-16 EQ_US -0.1197921
2020-03-16 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-03-16 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-16 TN_US 0.0126689
2020-03-16 TB_US 0.0510067
2020-03-16 BOND_EMER -0.0325359
2020-03-16 GOLD -0.0203396
2020-03-17 EQ_US 0.0597801
2020-03-17 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-03-17 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-17 TN_US -0.0133445
2020-03-17 TB_US -0.0587484
2020-03-17 BOND_EMER -0.0197824
2020-03-17 GOLD 0.0265681
2020-03-18 EQ_US -0.0517360
2020-03-18 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-03-18 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-18 TN_US -0.0067625
2020-03-18 TB_US -0.0434193
2020-03-18 BOND_EMER -0.0544904
2020-03-18 GOLD -0.0311081
2020-03-19 EQ_US 0.0047010
2020-03-19 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-03-19 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-19 TN_US 0.0017021
2020-03-19 TB_US 0.0007092
2020-03-19 BOND_EMER -0.0234792
2020-03-19 GOLD 0.0011498
2020-03-20 EQ_US -0.0431907
2020-03-20 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-03-20 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-20 TN_US 0.0144435
2020-03-20 TB_US 0.0652020
2020-03-20 BOND_EMER 0.0142077
2020-03-20 GOLD 0.0039756
2020-03-23 EQ_US -0.0292942
2020-03-23 EQ_NONUS_DEV -0.2532532
2020-03-23 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-23 TN_US 0.0083752
2020-03-23 TB_US 0.0419162
2020-03-23 BOND_EMER -0.0215517
2020-03-23 GOLD 0.0568462
2020-03-24 EQ_US 0.0939740
2020-03-24 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-03-24 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-24 TN_US -0.0041528
2020-03-24 TB_US -0.0051086
2020-03-24 BOND_EMER 0.0121145
2020-03-24 GOLD 0.0575354
2020-03-25 EQ_US 0.0115569
2020-03-25 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-03-25 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-25 TN_US 0.0008340
2020-03-25 TB_US -0.0064185
2020-03-25 BOND_EMER 0.0315560
2020-03-25 GOLD -0.0174002
2020-03-26 EQ_US 0.0624207
2020-03-26 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-03-26 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-26 TN_US 0.0016667
2020-03-26 TB_US 0.0064599
2020-03-26 BOND_EMER 0.0295359
2020-03-26 GOLD 0.0159455
2020-03-27 EQ_US -0.0336616
2020-03-27 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-03-27 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-27 TN_US 0.0049917
2020-03-27 TB_US 0.0237484
2020-03-27 BOND_EMER -0.0081967
2020-03-27 GOLD -0.0037858
2020-03-30 EQ_US 0.0336403
2020-03-30 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-03-30 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-30 TN_US -0.0008278
2020-03-30 TB_US -0.0050157
2020-03-30 BOND_EMER -0.0144628
2020-03-30 GOLD -0.0065711
2020-03-31 EQ_US -0.0159221
2020-03-31 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-03-31 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-31 TN_US -0.0016570
2020-03-31 TB_US -0.0144928
2020-03-31 BOND_EMER 0.0115304
2020-03-31 GOLD -0.0283711
2020-04-01 EQ_US -0.0441380
2020-04-01 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-04-01 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-04-01 TN_US 0.0008299
2020-04-01 TB_US 0.0147059
2020-04-01 BOND_EMER -0.0124352
2020-04-01 GOLD -0.0032808
2020-04-02 EQ_US 0.0230223
2020-04-02 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-04-02 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-04-02 TN_US 0.0008292
2020-04-02 TB_US 0.0056711
2020-04-02 BOND_EMER 0.0000000
2020-04-02 GOLD 0.0291310

Long data is presented with one or more columns containing a key and another containing all the values.

In this example, the key, or so-called “unit of analysis: is date-ticker. That is, each value (in the returns column) is uniquely associated with a date-ticker joint key.

The joint key date-ticker would be the starting point of any analysis we’d want to do on this data set.

This is often easier to manage and process. However, if you’re used to looking at spreadsheets, it can be harder to understand intuitively. (I think that this difficulty evaporates fairly quickly once you start using the tools).

While structuring data as key-value pairs might seem odd if you’re not used to it, it does actually facilitate your conceptual clarity of the problem at hand.

For example, in the example above, it is clear that the unique identifier of each return is the date-ticker joint key.

With that clarity, it becomes much simpler to imagine the steps in an analysis workflow. You get quite productive and effective at this with a little practice.

Let’s compare this with the same data in wide format:

dailyindex_df %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = ticker, values_from = returns) %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(position = 'center') %>%
  scroll_box(width = '800px', height = '300px')
2020-03-02 0.0460048 0.0111621 0.0114468 -0.0008475 -0.0073579 0.0051502 0.0179376
2020-03-03 -0.0280740 0.0097820 0.0106093 0.0093299 0.0154987 0.0093937 0.0311450
2020-03-04 0.0422302 0.0062777 0.0097196 -0.0016807 -0.0099536 0.0059222 -0.0008743
2020-03-05 -0.0336854 -0.0014521 0.0014743 0.0050505 0.0227882 -0.0067283 0.0151949
2020-03-06 -0.0170369 -0.0232132 -0.0262282 0.0041876 0.0498034 -0.0076207 0.0026644
2020-03-09 -0.0761665 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0041701 0.0262172 0.0000000 0.0018757
2020-03-10 0.0494037 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.0091362 -0.0486618 -0.0477816 -0.0091271
2020-03-11 -0.0487713 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.0025147 -0.0108696 -0.0206093 -0.0107857
2020-03-12 -0.0949084 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0008403 -0.0155139 0.0000000 -0.0317549
2020-03-13 0.0931900 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.0058774 -0.0216678 -0.0439158 -0.0462765
2020-03-16 -0.1197921 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0126689 0.0510067 -0.0325359 -0.0203396
2020-03-17 0.0597801 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.0133445 -0.0587484 -0.0197824 0.0265681
2020-03-18 -0.0517360 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.0067625 -0.0434193 -0.0544904 -0.0311081
2020-03-19 0.0047010 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0017021 0.0007092 -0.0234792 0.0011498
2020-03-20 -0.0431907 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0144435 0.0652020 0.0142077 0.0039756
2020-03-23 -0.0292942 -0.2532532 0.0000000 0.0083752 0.0419162 -0.0215517 0.0568462
2020-03-24 0.0939740 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.0041528 -0.0051086 0.0121145 0.0575354
2020-03-25 0.0115569 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0008340 -0.0064185 0.0315560 -0.0174002
2020-03-26 0.0624207 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0016667 0.0064599 0.0295359 0.0159455
2020-03-27 -0.0336616 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0049917 0.0237484 -0.0081967 -0.0037858
2020-03-30 0.0336403 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.0008278 -0.0050157 -0.0144628 -0.0065711
2020-03-31 -0.0159221 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.0016570 -0.0144928 0.0115304 -0.0283711
2020-04-01 -0.0441380 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0008299 0.0147059 -0.0124352 -0.0032808
2020-04-02 0.0230223 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0008292 0.0056711 0.0000000 0.0291310

This might look more familiar. Here we have a row for each date and a column for the return corresponding to each index. The unique values in the ticker column are actual columns in this wide format.

Data in this format is probably more amenable human consumption.

So which is better – wide or long format?

It depends!

You’ll find that storing your data in long format facilitates exploration and analysis, particularly if you use the tidyverse tools. We highly recommend that you do all your tidy analysis in long format unless you have a good reason not to.

Long format data is also easy to maintain – adding a new variable (a new ticker, say) is as simple as appending rows to the bottom of the existing data frame (and maybe sorting it by date, if you wanted to).

One use case that you see all the time is using ggplot to visualise a variable for more than one member of some organising category, for example, a time series plot of a bunch of different price curves where the organising category is ticker.

On the other hand, wide-format data might be a better choice if you intend for a human to consume the data.

You will also find certain functions and algorithms that expect data in this format, for example stats::cor.

The practical reality

A good rule of thumb (and one that we follow) is to keep your data in long format whenever you’re doing any data manipulation or processing and save wide format for displaying it.

Of course, there are exceptions and sometimes you have a reason not to do your processing in long format, for instance when a function requires a wide data frame.

That means that in reality, you’ll often find yourself wanting to switch between long and wide format. Fortunately, Fortunately, using the tidyr package, it is very simple to convert from long to wide format and back again.

Pivoting from long to wide

We’ve already seen an example of pivoting from long to wide format. Let’s explore that in a little more detail.

We use tidyr::pivot_wider to go from long to wide.

The most important arguments to the function are id_cols, names_from and values_from, and they each specify a column in our long dataframe.

  • The id_cols column specifies the unique identifier of each observation in our wide data frame.
  • The unique values in the names_from column become the column names in the wide data frame.
  • The values in the values_from column gets populated into the cells of the wide data frame.

In our example:

  • We want to index our wide dataframe by date, so we specify id_cols = date
  • We want the tickers to form columns in the wide dataframe, so we specify names_from = ticker
  • We want to populate our wide dataframe with returns values, so we specify values_from = returns

Here’s what that looks like:

dailyindex_df %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = date, names_from = ticker, values_from = returns) %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(position = 'center') %>%
  scroll_box(width = '800px', height = '300px')
2020-03-02 0.0460048 0.0111621 0.0114468 -0.0008475 -0.0073579 0.0051502 0.0179376
2020-03-03 -0.0280740 0.0097820 0.0106093 0.0093299 0.0154987 0.0093937 0.0311450
2020-03-04 0.0422302 0.0062777 0.0097196 -0.0016807 -0.0099536 0.0059222 -0.0008743
2020-03-05 -0.0336854 -0.0014521 0.0014743 0.0050505 0.0227882 -0.0067283 0.0151949
2020-03-06 -0.0170369 -0.0232132 -0.0262282 0.0041876 0.0498034 -0.0076207 0.0026644
2020-03-09 -0.0761665 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0041701 0.0262172 0.0000000 0.0018757
2020-03-10 0.0494037 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.0091362 -0.0486618 -0.0477816 -0.0091271
2020-03-11 -0.0487713 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.0025147 -0.0108696 -0.0206093 -0.0107857
2020-03-12 -0.0949084 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0008403 -0.0155139 0.0000000 -0.0317549
2020-03-13 0.0931900 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.0058774 -0.0216678 -0.0439158 -0.0462765
2020-03-16 -0.1197921 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0126689 0.0510067 -0.0325359 -0.0203396
2020-03-17 0.0597801 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.0133445 -0.0587484 -0.0197824 0.0265681
2020-03-18 -0.0517360 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.0067625 -0.0434193 -0.0544904 -0.0311081
2020-03-19 0.0047010 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0017021 0.0007092 -0.0234792 0.0011498
2020-03-20 -0.0431907 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0144435 0.0652020 0.0142077 0.0039756
2020-03-23 -0.0292942 -0.2532532 0.0000000 0.0083752 0.0419162 -0.0215517 0.0568462
2020-03-24 0.0939740 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.0041528 -0.0051086 0.0121145 0.0575354
2020-03-25 0.0115569 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0008340 -0.0064185 0.0315560 -0.0174002
2020-03-26 0.0624207 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0016667 0.0064599 0.0295359 0.0159455
2020-03-27 -0.0336616 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0049917 0.0237484 -0.0081967 -0.0037858
2020-03-30 0.0336403 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.0008278 -0.0050157 -0.0144628 -0.0065711
2020-03-31 -0.0159221 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.0016570 -0.0144928 0.0115304 -0.0283711
2020-04-01 -0.0441380 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0008299 0.0147059 -0.0124352 -0.0032808
2020-04-02 0.0230223 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0008292 0.0056711 0.0000000 0.0291310

Could that be any easier?

Actually, yes!

id_cols defaults to any column or columns that aren’t specified by the names_from and values_from arguments. So in our case, we could actually not even bother with the id_cols argument:

dailyindex_df_wide <- dailyindex_df %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = ticker, values_from = returns)

dailyindex_df_wide %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(position = 'center') %>%
  scroll_box(width = '800px', height = '300px')
2020-03-02 0.0460048 0.0111621 0.0114468 -0.0008475 -0.0073579 0.0051502 0.0179376
2020-03-03 -0.0280740 0.0097820 0.0106093 0.0093299 0.0154987 0.0093937 0.0311450
2020-03-04 0.0422302 0.0062777 0.0097196 -0.0016807 -0.0099536 0.0059222 -0.0008743
2020-03-05 -0.0336854 -0.0014521 0.0014743 0.0050505 0.0227882 -0.0067283 0.0151949
2020-03-06 -0.0170369 -0.0232132 -0.0262282 0.0041876 0.0498034 -0.0076207 0.0026644
2020-03-09 -0.0761665 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0041701 0.0262172 0.0000000 0.0018757
2020-03-10 0.0494037 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.0091362 -0.0486618 -0.0477816 -0.0091271
2020-03-11 -0.0487713 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.0025147 -0.0108696 -0.0206093 -0.0107857
2020-03-12 -0.0949084 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0008403 -0.0155139 0.0000000 -0.0317549
2020-03-13 0.0931900 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.0058774 -0.0216678 -0.0439158 -0.0462765
2020-03-16 -0.1197921 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0126689 0.0510067 -0.0325359 -0.0203396
2020-03-17 0.0597801 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.0133445 -0.0587484 -0.0197824 0.0265681
2020-03-18 -0.0517360 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.0067625 -0.0434193 -0.0544904 -0.0311081
2020-03-19 0.0047010 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0017021 0.0007092 -0.0234792 0.0011498
2020-03-20 -0.0431907 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0144435 0.0652020 0.0142077 0.0039756
2020-03-23 -0.0292942 -0.2532532 0.0000000 0.0083752 0.0419162 -0.0215517 0.0568462
2020-03-24 0.0939740 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.0041528 -0.0051086 0.0121145 0.0575354
2020-03-25 0.0115569 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0008340 -0.0064185 0.0315560 -0.0174002
2020-03-26 0.0624207 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0016667 0.0064599 0.0295359 0.0159455
2020-03-27 -0.0336616 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0049917 0.0237484 -0.0081967 -0.0037858
2020-03-30 0.0336403 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.0008278 -0.0050157 -0.0144628 -0.0065711
2020-03-31 -0.0159221 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.0016570 -0.0144928 0.0115304 -0.0283711
2020-04-01 -0.0441380 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0008299 0.0147059 -0.0124352 -0.0032808
2020-04-02 0.0230223 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0008292 0.0056711 0.0000000 0.0291310

Same result as above. Brilliant.

Pivoting from wide to long

For pivoting from wide to long, we use tidry::pivot_longer.

The most important arguments to the function are cols, names_to and values_to. You can probably guess at their relationship to the arguments to pivot_wider.

  • cols specifies the columns that we want to take from wide to long.
  • names_to specifies a name for the column in our long data frame that will hold the column names from the wide data frame.
  • values_to specifies a name for the column in our long data frame that will hold the values in the cells of the wide data frame.

In our example:

  • We want to take the columns holding the returns for each ticker from wide to long, so we want cols to take all the columns except date. We can do that by specifying cols = -date
  • We want the names of the cols to be held in a long variable called tickers, so we specify names_to = "ticker". Note that "ticker" here is a string variable.
  • We want to hold the values from our wide columns in a long column called "returns" so we specify values_to = "returns". Again note the string variable.

Here’s what that looks like:

dailyindex_df_wide %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = -date, names_to = 'ticker', values_to= 'returns') %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = FALSE, position = 'center') %>%
  scroll_box(width = '800px', height = '300px')
date ticker returns
2020-03-02 EQ_US 0.0460048
2020-03-02 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0111621
2020-03-02 EQ_EMER 0.0114468
2020-03-02 TN_US -0.0008475
2020-03-02 TB_US -0.0073579
2020-03-02 BOND_EMER 0.0051502
2020-03-02 GOLD 0.0179376
2020-03-03 EQ_US -0.0280740
2020-03-03 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0097820
2020-03-03 EQ_EMER 0.0106093
2020-03-03 TN_US 0.0093299
2020-03-03 TB_US 0.0154987
2020-03-03 BOND_EMER 0.0093937
2020-03-03 GOLD 0.0311450
2020-03-04 EQ_US 0.0422302
2020-03-04 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0062777
2020-03-04 EQ_EMER 0.0097196
2020-03-04 TN_US -0.0016807
2020-03-04 TB_US -0.0099536
2020-03-04 BOND_EMER 0.0059222
2020-03-04 GOLD -0.0008743
2020-03-05 EQ_US -0.0336854
2020-03-05 EQ_NONUS_DEV -0.0014521
2020-03-05 EQ_EMER 0.0014743
2020-03-05 TN_US 0.0050505
2020-03-05 TB_US 0.0227882
2020-03-05 BOND_EMER -0.0067283
2020-03-05 GOLD 0.0151949
2020-03-06 EQ_US -0.0170369
2020-03-06 EQ_NONUS_DEV -0.0232132
2020-03-06 EQ_EMER -0.0262282
2020-03-06 TN_US 0.0041876
2020-03-06 TB_US 0.0498034
2020-03-06 BOND_EMER -0.0076207
2020-03-06 GOLD 0.0026644
2020-03-09 EQ_US -0.0761665
2020-03-09 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-03-09 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-09 TN_US 0.0041701
2020-03-09 TB_US 0.0262172
2020-03-09 BOND_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-09 GOLD 0.0018757
2020-03-10 EQ_US 0.0494037
2020-03-10 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-03-10 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-10 TN_US -0.0091362
2020-03-10 TB_US -0.0486618
2020-03-10 BOND_EMER -0.0477816
2020-03-10 GOLD -0.0091271
2020-03-11 EQ_US -0.0487713
2020-03-11 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-03-11 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-11 TN_US -0.0025147
2020-03-11 TB_US -0.0108696
2020-03-11 BOND_EMER -0.0206093
2020-03-11 GOLD -0.0107857
2020-03-12 EQ_US -0.0949084
2020-03-12 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-03-12 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-12 TN_US 0.0008403
2020-03-12 TB_US -0.0155139
2020-03-12 BOND_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-12 GOLD -0.0317549
2020-03-13 EQ_US 0.0931900
2020-03-13 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-03-13 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-13 TN_US -0.0058774
2020-03-13 TB_US -0.0216678
2020-03-13 BOND_EMER -0.0439158
2020-03-13 GOLD -0.0462765
2020-03-16 EQ_US -0.1197921
2020-03-16 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-03-16 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-16 TN_US 0.0126689
2020-03-16 TB_US 0.0510067
2020-03-16 BOND_EMER -0.0325359
2020-03-16 GOLD -0.0203396
2020-03-17 EQ_US 0.0597801
2020-03-17 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-03-17 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-17 TN_US -0.0133445
2020-03-17 TB_US -0.0587484
2020-03-17 BOND_EMER -0.0197824
2020-03-17 GOLD 0.0265681
2020-03-18 EQ_US -0.0517360
2020-03-18 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-03-18 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-18 TN_US -0.0067625
2020-03-18 TB_US -0.0434193
2020-03-18 BOND_EMER -0.0544904
2020-03-18 GOLD -0.0311081
2020-03-19 EQ_US 0.0047010
2020-03-19 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-03-19 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-19 TN_US 0.0017021
2020-03-19 TB_US 0.0007092
2020-03-19 BOND_EMER -0.0234792
2020-03-19 GOLD 0.0011498
2020-03-20 EQ_US -0.0431907
2020-03-20 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-03-20 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-20 TN_US 0.0144435
2020-03-20 TB_US 0.0652020
2020-03-20 BOND_EMER 0.0142077
2020-03-20 GOLD 0.0039756
2020-03-23 EQ_US -0.0292942
2020-03-23 EQ_NONUS_DEV -0.2532532
2020-03-23 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-23 TN_US 0.0083752
2020-03-23 TB_US 0.0419162
2020-03-23 BOND_EMER -0.0215517
2020-03-23 GOLD 0.0568462
2020-03-24 EQ_US 0.0939740
2020-03-24 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-03-24 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-24 TN_US -0.0041528
2020-03-24 TB_US -0.0051086
2020-03-24 BOND_EMER 0.0121145
2020-03-24 GOLD 0.0575354
2020-03-25 EQ_US 0.0115569
2020-03-25 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-03-25 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-25 TN_US 0.0008340
2020-03-25 TB_US -0.0064185
2020-03-25 BOND_EMER 0.0315560
2020-03-25 GOLD -0.0174002
2020-03-26 EQ_US 0.0624207
2020-03-26 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-03-26 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-26 TN_US 0.0016667
2020-03-26 TB_US 0.0064599
2020-03-26 BOND_EMER 0.0295359
2020-03-26 GOLD 0.0159455
2020-03-27 EQ_US -0.0336616
2020-03-27 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-03-27 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-27 TN_US 0.0049917
2020-03-27 TB_US 0.0237484
2020-03-27 BOND_EMER -0.0081967
2020-03-27 GOLD -0.0037858
2020-03-30 EQ_US 0.0336403
2020-03-30 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-03-30 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-30 TN_US -0.0008278
2020-03-30 TB_US -0.0050157
2020-03-30 BOND_EMER -0.0144628
2020-03-30 GOLD -0.0065711
2020-03-31 EQ_US -0.0159221
2020-03-31 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-03-31 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-03-31 TN_US -0.0016570
2020-03-31 TB_US -0.0144928
2020-03-31 BOND_EMER 0.0115304
2020-03-31 GOLD -0.0283711
2020-04-01 EQ_US -0.0441380
2020-04-01 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-04-01 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-04-01 TN_US 0.0008299
2020-04-01 TB_US 0.0147059
2020-04-01 BOND_EMER -0.0124352
2020-04-01 GOLD -0.0032808
2020-04-02 EQ_US 0.0230223
2020-04-02 EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.0000000
2020-04-02 EQ_EMER 0.0000000
2020-04-02 TN_US 0.0008292
2020-04-02 TB_US 0.0056711
2020-04-02 BOND_EMER 0.0000000
2020-04-02 GOLD 0.0291310

And you can see that we’ve recovered our original long form dataframe.

An example

One example where you’d be forced to pivot you long returns data frame to wide would be to calculate a correlation matrix:

dailyindex_df %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = ticker, values_from = returns) %>%
  select(-date) %>%
  cor(use = "pairwise.complete.obs", method='pearson') %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(position = 'center') %>%
  scroll_box(width = '800px', height = '300px')
EQ_US 1.0000000 0.1045511 0.1219745 -0.5935488 -0.4827843 0.1064579 0.2741258
EQ_NONUS_DEV 0.1045511 1.0000000 0.1216288 -0.2460011 -0.2961201 0.1418452 -0.4301298
EQ_EMER 0.1219745 0.1216288 1.0000000 -0.0362846 -0.2751978 0.1345682 0.1158572
TN_US -0.5935488 -0.2460011 -0.0362846 1.0000000 0.9324163 0.3326693 0.1643955
TB_US -0.4827843 -0.2961201 -0.2751978 0.9324163 1.0000000 0.3107047 0.2451740
BOND_EMER 0.1064579 0.1418452 0.1345682 0.3326693 0.3107047 1.0000000 0.3305851
GOLD 0.2741258 -0.4301298 0.1158572 0.1643955 0.2451740 0.3305851 1.0000000

You can see that we’ve also used the select function from dplyr to drop the date column before passing the wide data frame of returns to the cor function for calculating the correlation matrix.

Plotting long format data

When you want to plot more than one variable on a single chart, long data is most definitely your friend:

dailyindex_df %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = date, y = returns, colour = ticker)) +

plot of chunk returns_coloured
Plotting each returns series in a grid is equally simple:

dailyindex_df %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = date, y = returns)) +
    geom_line() +

plot of chunk returns_faceted

Using wide-format data to make a similar plot would require repeated calls to geom_line for each variable, which is quite painstaking and brittle.

For example, if something changes upstream, such as the addition of a new ticker to the data set, your code will also need to change in order to plot it. That’s not the case if we use long data with a column holding the ticker variable.

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