Index of RW Pro Content by Date

You’ll find links to RW Pro webinar content arranged by date (newest to oldest) on this page.

  • 13 September 2024 – summary
    • End of month flow effects strategy review
    • Timing SPY with volume
  • 6 September 2024 – webinar and summary
    • YOLO improvements and discussion of universe problems
  • 30 August 2024 – RWI post
    • Managing to a drawdown target
  • 23 August 2024 – webinar and summary
    • YOLO improvements:
      • Inverse vol weighting
      • Aggression imbalance
      • Carry
  • 9 August 2024 – webinar and summary
    • Discussing the recent volatility spike
    • Quant analysis in Excel placing the recent vol spike in context
    • Inverse vol weighting YOLO weights
  • 2 August 2024 – summary
    • Trading UVXY
  • 26 July 2024 – webinar and summary
    • The current trading environment
    • Equity pairs refresh
    • Volatility adjusting the YOLO strategy’s positions
  • 12 July 2024 – webinar and summary
    • A generic quant trading system Part 2
  • 28 June 2024 – webinar and summary
    • A generic quant trading system Part 1
    • Cross-sectional analysis techniques, with an example of cross-sectional momentum in crypto
    • Coin-M futures price and funding data in The Lab
  • 31 May 2024 – summary
    • VIX basis strategies review
  • 23 May 2024 – webinar
    • Working with data in BigQuery
  • 10 May 2024 – webinar and summary
    • The landscape of trading edges
  • 25 April 2024 – webinar and summary
    • Crypto reversal effects
  • 19 April 2024 – summary
    • End-of-month flow effects strategy review
  • 12 April 2024 – webinar and summary
    • Trade helper spreadsheet for the Hurricane Slayer Guy VIX trade
    • Includes a description of the strategy
  • 5 April 2024 – summary
    • Crypto carry strategy review
  • 29 March 2024 – webinar and summary
    • Trade sizing and rebalancing
    • Trend following SPY
  • 22 Mar 2024 – summary
    • YOLO strategy update
  • 15 Mar 2024 – webinar and summary
    • Crypto froth
  • 1 Mar 2024 – webinar and summary
    • Trading crypto pumps
    • Intraday crypto seasonality
    • Constant maturity futures
  • 16 Feb 2024 – webinar and summary
    • Crypto trend predictability
    • Managing short VIX positions
    • Update to rsims – simulations for crypto perpetual futures
  • 2 Feb 2024 – webinar and summary
    • Modelling known volatility events in the VIX term structure
    • Is Dec VX mispriced because traders can’t count holidays?
  • 18 Jan 2024 – webinar and summary
    • Review of 2023 predictions
    • Review of 2023 strategy performance
    • Is short volatility getting crowded?
  • 14 Dec 2023 – webinar and summary
    • James in a Santa suit
    • All about the VIX – the index, the futures, the ETFs
    • The volatility risk premium in VIX futures
    • The VRP doesn’t come from the basis
    • Naive carry in slope signals
    • Slope and level
    • Trading the VIX basis against the SPX basis
    • NAV Stat Arbs
  • 8 Dec 2023 – summary
    • Plans for next year
    • TLAQ champagne webinar plus simple spreadsheet for tracking exposures
    • Highlights of 2023
  • 30 Nov 2023 – webinar and summary
    • Review of the current low vol environment
    • A seasonal bias in our VIX basis strategy
    • Analysing the efficiency of the US closing auction
    • James slams a NZ closing auction for fun and profit
    • YOLO production update
  • 24 Nov 2023 – summary
    • Exploring a new factor weighting scheme
    • Black Friday deals from TradingView and DeltaRay
  • 17 Nov 2023 – summary
    • Simulating recent changes to YOLO (factor parameters, snapshot time)
    • Simulating making hourly YOLO decisions
  • 10 Nov 2023 – summary
    • Updating YOLO factor parameters
    • Short-term mean reversion in crypto
  • 2 Nov 2023 – webinar and summary
    • Resurrection of YOLO on Binance
    • Includes some useful lessons on combining cross-sectional and time-series signals
    • Introduction to trading the auction
  • 27 October 2023 – summary
    • YOLO back online on Binance
    • An offer on MesoSim (options backtesting tool)
  • 19 Oct 2023 – webinar and summary
    • Year-to-date equity pairs strategy performance review (discussion of summary from 13 Oct below)
    • Straddle over earnings trade initial analysis
    • Introduction to portfolio optimisation for trading, including examples
  • 13 October 2023 – summary and code
    • Equity pairs strategy review
  • 6 October 2023 – summary
    • Options earnings analytical data set now in The Lab
    • Review of the last few weeks
  • 29 September 2023 – summary
    • ORATS data discount for members
    • Turn of month strategies review
    • Options earnings simulation data preparation update
  • 21 September 2023 – webinar and summary
    • Market update
    • Systematic strategy update
    • Pairs trading universe refresh
    • Straddle over earnings research
  • 15 September 2023 – summary
    • Introduction to Straddle over Earnings trade
  • 7 September 2023 – webinar and summary
    • Run through of new crypto data (Binance spot and perp, coincodex market capitalisation)
    • Aping recent highs in crypto spot
    • Crypto trend and momentum (aka YOLO) on Binance
    • Perp carry on Binance
    • Jensen’s inequality and combining signals
    • Rebalancing options trades
    • Introduction to Straddle over Earnings trade
  • 1 September 2023 – summary
    • New crypto data in The Lab (Binance spot and perp, coincodex market capitalisation)
  • 10 August 2023 webinar and summary
    • UVXY – what it is, how it works
    • Five strategies for trading UVXY
  • 4 August 2023 – summary
    • Data Engineering for Traders update
    • New Lab repo for Zorro tools
    • PEAD update
  • 27 July 2023 – webinar and summary
    • Momentum of trend in stocks
    • Munging options data
  • 21 July 2023 – summary
    • First look at new options data
    • PEAD summary of work so far
  • 13 July 2023 – webinar and summary
    • Equity pairs refresh and strategy summary
    • Designing a PEAD strategy including short borrow costs
    • Short-term squeeze dynamics in stocks
  • 7 July 2023 – summary
    • Equity pairs refresh
    • PEAD update
  • 28 June 2023 – webinar and summary
    • Volatility risk premium update
    • Using simulation to answer questions
    • PEAD update and stock borrow data in The Lab
    • Trading leveraged ETFs: short and hedge, replace equity exposure
  • 16 June 2023 – webinar and summary
    • Review of stock-bond reversal trade
    • More bond timing with yield and value
    • PEAD update
  • 9 June 2023 – summary
    • PEAD update
  • 1 June 2023 – webinar and summary
    • Timing bond exposure with the yield curve
    • PEAD update
  • 26 May 2023 – summary
    • New VX data in The Lab
    • New analytical dataset for researching PEAD in The Lab
  • 19 May 2023 – webinar and summary
    • Improvements to the bond seasonality (window-dressing) trade
    • Introduction to post earnings announcement drift trade
  • 5 May 2023 – webinar and summary
    • Recap of VIX basis trade
    • Weekend effect in VIX futures
    • Turn of month calendar effect in VIX futures
    • VIX futures calendar trade
  • 20 April 2023 – webinar and summary
    • Trading VX futures by pricing them against SPX options implied volatility
    • Constructing a constant maturity VX futures series
    • A catalogue of edges, including our best ideas in each category
    • Review of asset class time series and cross sectional momentum
    • Seasonal effects in US stocks
  • 14 April 2023 – summary
    • Data Engineering for Traders update
  • 28 March 2023 – webinar and summary
    • Intro to new Data Engineering for Traders course
    • WTF is the VIX index calculation?
    • Rebalancing voodoo
    • Fallen angel bonds
  • 10 March 2023 – summary
    • TLAQ update – simulation and portfolio construction
    • Rolling percentile calculation with Rcpp
  • 3 March 2023 – summary
    • TLAQ update
    • Troubleshooting the Zorro pair trading script
  • 17 Feb 2023 – webinar and summary
    • TLAQ update
    • VIX degenerate stuff – early research on VX futures positioning trades
  • 10 Feb 2023 – summary
    • TLAQ update
    • New VX data in The Lab
  • 26 January 2023 – webinar and summary
    • Review of markets and strategies in 2022
    • Planning for 2023
  • 15 November 2022 – webinar
    • FTX blow up review
    • Review of a member’s systematic strategy implementation
  • 15 September 2022 – webinar and summary
    • Market conditions update
    • Risk Premia Harvesting Model Portfolio
    • ETH merge futures pricing run through
    • Front running imbalances trade
  • 9 September 2022 – webinar and summary
    • Data analysis – luck and stability
  • 2 September 2022 webinar and summary
    • Data analysis – cross-sectional return prediction
    • Crypto stat arb
    • Crypto perpetual futures carry
    • FTX leveraged tokens’ anomalous returns
    • Bond seasonality
  • 26 August 2022 summary and webinar
    • PnL of the average liquidity provider
    • Spoofing and flipping
    • Crypto perpetual futures carry
    • Correlation and clustering crypto vs tradfi assets
    • Extreme lending squeeze trade in crypto
  • 19 August 2022 summary
    • Data analysis – return prediction
    • Crypto perpetual futures carry
  • 12 August 2022 summary
    • Macro Research Pod introduction
    • Data analysis – persistence and overlapping
    • Risk Premia on UCITS ETFs
    • Crypto squeeze effects
  • 5 August 2022 summary
    • Crypto stat arb
    • Quantifying alphas
    • Crypto extreme lending tactical trade
    • Crypto carry